Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic Eruptions can happen in a blur. One second there's a beautiful blue sky above you and the next thing you know, the ground starts to shake violently beneath you, and soon you see a large ash cloud resting above a mountain quickly rising up in the air.

Mount Redoubt is a volcano here in Alaska that had started to erupt on March 15, 2009. Mount redoubt is a steep cone shaped volcano. The lava composition from this eruption was silica, and the ash cloud reached 65,000 ft. The eruption lasted the last few weeks of March and ended around April 4th with a mudflow composed of pyroclastic material, rocky debris and water.

This volcano is across the Cook Inlet from where I live and is still talked about to this day.

Here is a link to a video that caught the eruption on camera: Alaska's Mount Redoubt Volcano Erupts 5 Times - YouTube
